IRT Logistics provides transport solutions between Sweden and all European countries All IRT employees has long and genuine experience in international freight forwarding and we are well established in the Swedish market. Though specialized on the UK, our wide network covers most countries in the world. IRT Logistics operates since 2002 our own platform of a two-way trailer traffic providing daily departures between Sweden and England to and from all of the UK, based on our own fleet of modern GPS equipped Mega and Profi-liner trailers. Even though our main focus is high performanced Groupage, LTL and PTL/ Part-load movements we naturally handle FTL / Full load with the same high standards. Short and reliable transport times, a direct and personal service, correct loadings and deliveries as agreed. We naturally perform urgent transports, just in time deliveries and other time scheduled transports. Since the start up 2002 IRT has developed into now be the leading Part-Load freight operator between Sweden and the UK. IRT Logistics is represented in England by our agent Oceanblue Logistics Ltd In the same way and high standards IRT operates a Sweden – Ireland service offering daily departures to and from all locations in Ireland for Groupage, LTL, PTL/ Part-load movements and FTL/ Full load. IRT also provides freight solutions for our swedish customers between Sweden and all European countries. One contact-person in IRT will help you with all your transportation needs. Easy, safe and time saving. Our prescription: Skilled and motivated employees and a worldwide network of capable partners. We are well aware of the importance of living up to agreements we have made. We can ensure all parts of the transport under our responsibility lives up to the function agreed. Aröds Industriväg 34 IRT Logistics is a Swedish independent freight forwarding company, established in 2001. IRT Logistics are specialised in freight transports beween Sweden and the UK
Our services:
UK Specialist
Our strengths:
One contact:
Best possible transport solution:
On time deliveries:
Delivery as agreed:
SE 422 43
Hisings Backa (GOT)
SwedenPayments to IRT Logistics AB
BIC / Swift:
SE02 8000 0810 5913 7020 1681
SE39 8000 0810 5913 7672 0288
SE53 8000 0810 5990 4739 3997
Info in English
Kontakta oss
Telefon: +46 (0)31 788 41 50
Vi är medlemmar i Transportindustriförbundet
IRT Logistics AB
Aröds Industriväg 34
SE 422 43 Hisings Backa